This picture makes me think of magical sweets in big glass jars and it is just a short step from there to the fantastical factories that would make them...
Today I would like to invite you to come and join in with an adventure that started, for me, back in March, when I travelled to Paris to share the celebrations for a very special project with a very special friend...
Valarie and I got to know each other first through our blogs and then when we had the joy of meeting in person. She travelled half way around the world to join me for my 40th birthday and my trip to Paris was to join her for a celebration of the "birthday" of this book....
Throughout the time we have known her, my children and I have become committed "Book Jumpers" and have been inspired to try all kinds of ways of bringing the pages of our books alive...
...This week there are exciting adventures for you to share in too and I would love you to visit Valarie and take part in all the fun! You can sign up here to take part in all the birthday celebrations and discover some new and innovative ways to enjoy reading with your children, creating delicious (and often educational) treats to eat, making and playing along with the story...and there are opportunities to win some amazing prizes too!
You can find out even more on the Charlie blog here: jump in and see what fun reading and playing together can be!