...this time the ones I was lucky enough to receive!
These three necklaces (gifted in the lovely tins holding them) were handmade by Sam. I love how much care and attention he put into making them and how excited he was to give them to me...he definitely learned the joy that can be found in making the perfect gift for someone you love and he has already started on making something for my birthday this week...
This delicate crochet and bead necklace, was a complete and very welcome surprise. Handmade by my friend Emma, it was my necklace of choice on Christmas Eve and added a bit of sparkle to my Wedding Anniversary celebrations this year!
Less of a surprise but equally welcome was the natural dyed crochet 'stone' (it is actually the most beautiful pebble of polished wood) that my Mother bought me from Resurrection fern. After years of admiring Margaret Oomen's art, I am so pleased to now own a piece for myself...especially as I feel very lucky to have got there before they all sold out this time!
This hand crocheted snowflake bunting was a gift from Jennifer and gave us the only snow we had on Christmas day...I am really struggling to take this one down and think we may retain it's snowy feel a little longer...at least until spring actually arrives!
Finally, this yarn bowl was from a thoughtful friend who is enjoying a pottery class in a local village. I had told her a while ago about seeing something similar on etsy but not being able to get it shipped to the UK and she decided to have a go at making me one herself. It works perfectly and has been home to Jack's "Christmas" blanket, which I do hope to get finished sometime soon!
I feel so blessed to have had the joy of making and receiving so many homemade gifts this year, because that was what it was "a joy". While I would love to be able to say I will make all our gifts next year, I know that unless that can happen in a relaxed and enjoyable way that the main reason for doing it would be lost. Just as Sam has discovered the pleasure of making something for someone else is not only in the giving but in the making too, I feel I have discovered that the pleasure of homemade can be not only in the challenge of creating but can also be in the receiving. So my wish is that next year will be, like this, full of making and giving and receiving but more than anything it will be full of the joy of doing just enough and not too much...I have a feeling that might also fit with "simple" too?