I've sort of been waiting for our broadband to be repaired before posting again. It has been patchy for months and it has made uploading photo's painfully slow...even checking my email can sometimes take hours. But various investigations have not lead to any improvement (sometimes they even seem to make it worse!) and I have decided to try and get around the problem in a different way.
One photo and a few words...NOT everyday but as many as I can manage.
It may work or I may just call it a day, we'll see...
So today, a photo of the new quilt I made over the Easter holidays. Simple squares of nightdresses and pyjamas that I have collected over the years. Soft, well worn fabrics full of memories. Backed with a vintage piece of fabric I bought with my Mum at a car boot sale when I was pregnant with my older son. It has at various times acted as a throw on the sofa, a curtain on his bedroom and a tablecloth...it was beginning to rip in places and I didn't want to lose it. Machine pieced and quilted in straight lines. Finished with hand quilting (perle cotton) and a handstitched label.
It feels wonderful to have finally used all those carefully hoarded fabrics...a weight off my shoulders that I wasn't sure I would ever get around to.
I made it to be used and it has been very comforting over the past few cold weeks. Warm and cosy, full of the sunshine that I sat in while I stitched over the Easter weekend.