Earlier this week a friend told me she thought I was "generous with my time". It's not something I have often thought about but since our conversation it has been in the back of my mind and I think that perhaps it is the nicest compliment I have ever received.
Time is something I often lament a lack of and is something I treasure more than wealth or possessions. Time spent with my family or enjoying a chat with a friend. The time to help someone in need or to sit and cuddle my children when they are ill. The time someone takes to answer an email or letter or to get in touch to catch up. Time spent creatively, making something with my hands, sewing, knitting, baking or in the garden. Time to think. Time by myself, reading, walking or just sitting.
She enabled me to see that, even though I never feel there is enough time, the way I use my time is valued by others too and in a funny way that allowed me to be a bit kinder to myself for all they ways I feel I should be using my time...and often don't!
So I will carry on dropping the hoover to spend time listening to my friends, forget about the ironing and play with my children instead and will remind myself not to waste time worrying about things I can't change but to gift that time to myself, so I can enjoy the moment.
And I would also like to take the time to say thank you to all of you that share your time with me here in this space. I appreciate how precious your time is and I would just like you to know that I value every single moment that you choose to spend with me...