I have really struggled to choose a pattern to make my second string bag this week. My first choice - the turkish string bag pattern totally confused me and ended up frogged (4 times!) I then decided to have a go at just using parts of the pattern and forgetting the bits that weren't working. An even worse idea that ended up with a jumbled mess of yarn and loads of frustration.
Then I read this post from Dawn and was totally inspired to get over my crochet fear and have a go. I spent friday with Emma W (no blog but joining in with string-a-long) and together with the book Dawn had recommended Crochet Unravelled: A Clear and Concise Guide to Learning Crochet we started to tackle this pattern along with some coffee and a piece of carrot cake.
This time I knew I was in for a small version as I only own one size of crochet hook and it wasn't the one I should have used. I was too excited to get started though and felt that making do was probably very fitting considering it was no spend month, so it was no surprise that I ended up with the makings of a very dinky bag.
I am extremely pleased with the progress though and I am managing to decipher a crochet pattern without tears so the size doesn't bother me at all. Maybe crochet was the way to go all along!
I have had so much fun checking out your photo's on Flickr this week - it's great to see how many combinations of patterns and yarn have been used and the diverse results that those combinations result in. I am very taken with the Elisa's Nest Tote from the Purl Bee, now I have seen your versions and have printed off the pattern to have a go, once my crochet bag is finished. Finally I had an email from Jennifer who has found another lovely free pattern here - I have added it to the sidebar if any of you want to give it a go. Sorry I haven't had a chance to check out everyones blog posts this weekend - I have a very poorly little boy again (horrible cough, high temperature and no sleep) so my time has been taken up with sympathy and cuddles instead - I will try and catch up over the next few days as I love to know what you are all up to!