Something amazing has happened. After at least ten years in planning, I have finally got to the point in sorting out my workroom, where the printers tray I bought before I even had children, could be attached to the wall and used for the purpose I purchased it for. And boy, was it worth the wait!
Can you spot it there behind my sewing machine?
Now I have another beautiful rainbow to brighten my day. The only problem is that I always thought I had plenty of thread but with all those gaps I see I am sorely in need of a few more reels. If only it wasn't 'no spend month'!
On a completely different track - Sam has asked me to thank everybody who left such lovely comments on yesterdays post about his friend the Dragon. Dragon is currently enjoying keeping me company in the car while we find a comfortable place for him to sleep at home, he promises to not eat Sam too often, so we have agreed to him staying with us for a while. Suggestions of things that Dragons might like to eat (other than little boys) will be gratefully received!