Those of you who visit my pages regularly may have noticed a new badge appearing to the left yesterday. It is a link to 'The Wellness Tree' an amazing project set up by GardenMama, 'to form a connection, support and community of women' to share the journey of a very special woman diagnosed with stage four breast cancer.
I read about it in this post, yesterday, and was immediately inspired by the wonderful intention behind the idea. I have made and sent a decoration and I am hoping that lots of you out there will want to join in and do the same.
My decoration looked like this and I am intending to do a tutorial for how to make it by the end of the week. Feel free to use this idea to make your decoration to send or if you are drawn to have a go perhaps you could create a design of your own alongside? Please take a moment to explore the links above, they offer inspiration and remind us of just how wonderful the human spirit can be.