A cryptic post to end the week. I am finding it so frustrating not showing you what I am doing on the creative front but EVERYTHING I am making is for presents (or the Guild Christmas competition) and it would just not be fair to reveal it here first!
So in a teasing little hint I am showing you the bowl where I keep my scraps. This is where all the bits of natural fibres are stored - sometimes for re-use or if not, to go out for the birds to build lovely colourful nests.
Would you like a closer look? Can you guess what I am up to?
Sorry, terrible of me to be so secretive but I hope you know I would show you if I could? One gift is about to be given so hopefully if the recipient doesn't mind I 'll be able to show you something nice next week. Until then I hope you have a lovely colourful weekend and good luck with the guessing!